Plant plastics processing named "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Kozlova Svetlana
- The implementation of engineering projects in the polymer industry;
- Laboratory and bench testing of materials and products;
- Integrated solutions for the design, construction and operation of complex tooling for individual customer requirements.
The list of services:
1 Create a special recipe and production of innovative technical products of composite polymeric materials.
2 Processing of composite polymeric materials with fillers to improve the physical and mechanical characteristics, reduction of material (molybdenum, coke, graphite, PTFE, UHMWPE, silicon carbide, antimony oxide, minerals, talc, carbon nanotubes, glass fibers, including long glass fiber).
3 Development of advanced technological processes of processing of new composite polymer materials:
- Injection molding of structural composite polymer (including filling) materials, the implementation of the casting parameters of the control system products;
- Extrusion molded products of technical purpose of circular profile (rods and tubes of various diameters and wall thickness) of UHMWPE, and fluoropolymers;
- Pressing (preparation of compositions, compounding, pelletizing, vacuuming, pre-heating) construction, including magnet-filled materials based on UHMWPE;
- Molding of rubbers, including filled (iron compounds, mineral fillers, UHMWPE), release of products with desired properties;
- Technology rubberizing polymer products (including those made from UHMWPE and compositions based on it);
- Molding of rubber products (including overall) recovery technology products which were in operation (silent blocks, etc.). etc.
The company LLC "Plant of plastic processing named after" Komsomolskaya Pravda "has developed and implemented a quality control system.
For 10 years, the company has not received any complaints from partners and customers.
In March 2007, the company has awarded Merloni Termosanitari Rus (LLC "Ariston Thermo Rus"), LLC "Plant of plastic processing named after" Komsomolskaya Pravda "medal for the quality of supplied goods and services« Quality Certificate ».
The company employs military acceptance.
Kozlova Svetlana
tel .: (812) 542-15-21
fax: (812) 542-71-48
Sviridenkova Natalia
tel .: (812) 542-12-36 ext. 424 542-15-21 ext. 424 542-46-82
fax: (812) 542-11-64
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